Practical advice and healthy habits for parents and their children in the South
Bronx: Our free “Babies to Two” program

What is the free Babies to Two Program?

The goal of our Babies to Two program is to empower caregivers and their infants and toddlers to develop their learning and social skills from the very earliest days.

The core of the Babies to Two program is Parent and Me classes for babies and caregivers and Transitioning Toddlers classes for two-year-olds. 


In the Parent and Me sessions, we use the Resources for Infant Educators (RIE) approach. RIE is a technique that helps parents connect with their children and understand their needs. It’s based on the idea that all babies are born with the ability to learn and grow, and that they should be treated with respect and given the opportunity to explore the world around them. 

These small classes of 5-8 children and their caregivers meet for an hour a day, five days a week.


Transitioning Toddlers, a gentle step towards full-day preschool, is the only class of its kind in our South Bronx neighborhood. Caregivers are able to drop their toddlers off each day, knowing that they will experience a safe, nurturing environment as they explore materials, problem-solve with peers, and begin a journey of lifelong learning.

This class meets daily, 9 am-2:30 pm, Monday-Friday.

What will my child and I learn in Parent and Me as a part of Babies to Two?

These first few years of a child's life have a massive impact on the rest of their lives. In the supportive environment of Babies to Two, your child will begin to learn to explore confidently and to solve problems that arise. 

During classes, the caregivers sit in a circle around the edge of the designated area. Carefully chosen materials for free exploration are placed around the space, and caregivers observe carefully as the children interact with the materials as well as with each other. Minimal intervention occurs, as caregivers are encouraged to allow even the smallest infants to experiment and solve problems that may arise. After observation time, the adults discuss what they saw, noting the ways they see their child changing and growing as they become more confident in their exploration of the environment.

Caregivers are encouraged to set up similar, smaller environments at their home, carrying the practices of the class into their own environment. Frequent parenting workshops are offered throughout the week, giving time for adult discussion, brainstorming, mentoring, and individual support.

What will my child learn in Transitioning Toddlers as a part of Babies to Two?

As a small child, separating from a caregiver is no small task. Our Transitioning Toddlers staff understands the range of emotions children experience as they spend time away from home for the first time. 

Children slowly adjust to being with other trusted adults as they experience predictable routines, time with friends, and independence-building activities involving exploration and play. Our two-year-olds’ daily schedule includes music and movement, storytime, classroom center exploration, lunch time, outdoor play, rest time, and much more.

Where are the Babies to Two sessions held

The daily sessions are held at A House on Beekman’s
452 E 149th St location.

How much does it cost?

Babies to Two sessions are available to you at absolutely no cost.

Why is it free?

We believe that a full, enriched life should not be limited by your zip code or your income. Our entire Babies to Two program is 100% free and made possible by our generous supporters.

How do I enroll?

Whether you’re pregnant or already have a baby or toddler, you can let us know you’re interested by filling out a short form.